Wednesday, August 7, 2019

World War I Diaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

World War I Diaries - Essay Example Germany failed to attach because of its exhausted manpower reserves. However,, the German home front revolted forming a new German government which signed a conditional surrender called the armistice, terminating the war in November, 11, 1918. The world’s great powers were divided into allies involving the United Kingdom, France and Russia, and the central powers consisting of the triple alliance of Germany, Italy and Austria Hungary (Lymann 13-17). World War 1 was peculiarly a current affair. It was the first major contest of arms fought by large, centrally organised nation states since the dawn of the new revolution. Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary were creations of the nineteenth century. The mechanized production of goods in vast quantities came from Europe and facilitated the pace of technological innovation. The scale of conflict heightened and fighting engulfed all the main states of the European continent as well as Britain, French and German imperial colonialists in Africa, Asia and pacific islands. It also raged the high sea sucked in the colonial peoples from Australia and Indochina to India and Canada and forced the distant and isolationist united states to undertake arms. Modern technology put unprecedented lethal arsenals at the army’s disposal: artillery that could propel explosives from distances up to seventy-five miles, poison guns, airplanes, dreadnoughts and submarines. Fought mainly by soldiers in trenches, the war saw an estimated death of 10 million military men (Browne and Snead 560). It was a world war battle fought between September 12-15, 1918, which involved the American expenditory force and French groups under US commander John J. Pershing against German troops. The Americans expenditory force consisted of 14 divisions (550,000) soldiers while the German fifth army and French army was made up of 10 and four divisions respectively. The United States army air service played a

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