Thursday, August 29, 2019

Macro forces analysis within an international market Essay

Macro forces analysis within an international market - Essay Example n customers realize that the product gives them the satisfaction that they need, they will be buying the product from the producer or supplier since it meets their needs and wants. Generally, this paper will analyze the macro environment factors within an international market for investors who are willing to start a fruit juice processing company in the United States. The paper will also provide a research on the macro environment factors in the US and will give recommendations to the investor whether to invest or not. In the analysis of the macro environment of the fruit juice processing industry use of PESTEL analysis framework to scan the environment in United States will be of great advantage. One of the factors that the investors should consider is the technological factor. The investors should consider looking at the technological inventions in the United States which will help in the processing of the fruit juices. The more advancement in technology, the more the production hence high returns due to the mass production of products that are availed to the consumers. According to the CIA (20), World Fact Book, United States is a country that has undergone a very rapid technology advancement since colonialism. It has made many inventions which have brought a transformation in the fruit juice production industry. The investors should consider placing their business in United States because of its technological advancement. Another factor that the investors should consider is the economic status in the United States. Economic factor will influence the consumer buying power and investors should understand the economic trend of United States because of positioning the business. During inflation, the prices rise and the customer’s income is not sufficient to sustain them hence low demand for goods. United States is a country that is economically stable and has no problems of unemployment. Where there is employment opportunities there are reduced cases of poor

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