Monday, August 12, 2019

The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention - Essay Example Trade among countries plays a fundamental role in building their economical power. With mutual collaboration in terms of trade, different nations satisfy one another’s needs. In fact, many nations depend upon trade and will suffer from severe economic decline if the trade ended. Once this happens, economic decline will soon be followed by cultural and social decline, and such a nation may collapse as a whole. Role of trade in maintaining the solidarity and integrity of a nation can not be denied. Yet, Friedman’s assertion that trade partners can never fight with each other seems quite exaggerated and abstract, and history provides evidence for this. Although Friedman has referred to the case of India and Pakistan, and China and Taiwan in an attempt to support his argument with facts from the history, yet a careful analysis of the very cases suggests that there were several other reasons that kept India and Pakistan from fighting with each other that were much more stron ger than the maintenance of trade. India and Pakistan did not fight with each other in the start of 21st century because India had realized that Pakistan is also accoutered with nuclear power. Had she started the war, Pakistan would have paid her in the same coin, and the consequences would have been as unfavorable for India herself, as for Pakistan. To say that India did not start a war with Pakistan at that time because she feared she would loose her trade partners is indeed, incomplete truth. Similar reasons can be sorted out for the case of China and Taiwan. Corporate bodies have opened their franchises almost all over the world. Same holds true for embassies. All countries have conventionally maintained their embassies in conflicting countries. The safety of embassies has never been on stake despite that fact that a lot of countries have indulged in war with one another in the past. On the other hand, William Duiker is skeptical about the unity among individual nations on the

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